Apple Health User Guide

What is Apple Health?

Apple Health is an iOS application introduced by Apple in iOS 8. It acts as a central health dashboard for iPhone users allowing them to view health data from numerous health apps in one place. More info on Apple Health can be found here.

Apple Watch data is also accessible via the connection to Apple Health.


Connecting Apple Health to Human API

Step 1: Select Your Source

To connect Apple Health or Apple Watch, you'll need to select either entry in the source selection dialog:



Step 2: Create An Account

After selecting either of these, you will be shown the Human API Sign-Up page below that will allow you to create Human API credentials for use during the second step of the process.


Human API Connect Sign Up Window

Step 3: Download the Human API iOS App

After creating Human API credentials, you will be directed to download the Human API iOS app from the App Store.

Once downloaded, there are three steps you must take before data is available:

  1. Sign in with the Human API credentials you created in Step 2 above
  2. Grant the Human API app access to each type of data stored in Apple Health as desired
    (this is the data that you authorize to be shared)
  3. Let the app synchronize Apple Health data with the Human API server

Three step authentication process

Step 4: Syncing Your Data

Whenever you would like to share new data, simply open the app and it will perform a sync. you can verify that the data has been sent via the "Events" tab.

That's it!


Data Sync

Data will only sync when the app is opened, it cannot sync on it's own.