Welcome to Human API!

You can use Human API to retrieve normalized health data from your app’s users from thousands of unique sources.

Before you’ll be able to use Human API to query real data, you’ll need to create an account and implement Human Connect to authenticate external sources.

What are you waiting for? Get Started!

Common Record Properties

Regardless of the type, most data records have a few standard properties:

idStringThe id of the record
humanIdStringUnique Human API user identifier
sourceStringThe name of the originating source (all lowercase, no spaces)
sourceDataStringUnique properties from a source that do not fit the main data model
createdAtDateThe time the record was created on the Human API server
updatedAtDateThe time the record was updated on the Human API server

If you have not already, we highly recommend reading the API Patterns & Conventions guide to familiarize yourself with how to filter for these parameters so you only get the data that you need. In general, data records contain information from the data source that has been normalized to standard units and parameters. Any source specific information will be passed through via the optional sourceData object.

For the full documentation including step-by-step implementation guides and information on data sources, see reference.humanapi.co.

HAPI coding!