Get a list of medical plans of care associated with the user

Returns a list of medical plans of care

Returns a single plan of care

# Returns a json array of plans of care:
[ {
    "id": "55e692540c7deefb7cfe90f7",
    "createdAt": "2014-09-01T20:46:35.731Z",
    "updatedAt": "2014-09-01T20:46:35.731Z",
    "source": "emr-1-320",
    "name": "encounter",
    "text": "11/13/2015 Appointment Physical Therapy ",
    "organization": {
        "href": "/medical/organizations/53c050ac51c69003200aa998",
        "id": "53c050ac51c69003200aa998",
        "name": "Cleveland Clinic"
    "codes": []
} ]
# Get all plans of care associated with the user
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer demo" ""

Response Properties

idStringThe id of the resource
sourceStringThe name of the originating service
updatedAtDateThe time the record was updated on the Human API server
createdAtDateThe time the record was created on the Human API server
nameString(optional) The name of the plan of care
textString(optional) The text description of the author
dateDate(optional) The date of the plan of care
typeString(optional) The type of the plan of care
specialtyString(optional) The specialty of the plan of care
providerObject(optional) See provider object
organizationObject(optional) See organizations object
codesArray[Object](optional) See codes

Provider Object

nameObject(optional) See name object
addressString(optional) Address of the provider e.g. "CORE ORTHOPEDICS, SIOUX FALLS, SD, 57103"