Get genetic traits of a user


The genotypes endpoint has been deprecated by 23andMe. Users who provided access to their 23andMe account and had genetic data available via Human API will still have that data available through genetic/traits. However, any new data will not be retrievable.

Returns the base-pairs, like AA, for the given locations. The value can have Ds or Is for deletions and insertions (for example, DD or DI). It can be __ if the user is not on a chip that calls that location, or hasn’t yet unlocked their call since it corresponds to a sensitive report. It can be -- if the user is on a chip that calls that location, but it could not be determined. Hemizygous calls (such as on X-linked genes in males) will also return two base pairs.

Finally, due to locations and the fixed nature of genetic information, this endpoint cannot be queried by batch, nor can it be filtered by standard query parameters.


Note: This endpoint requires the locations query Parameter.

This list of SNPs (31MB) shows which SNPs are available. When requesting multiple locations, you will need to separate each location with a space (represented by %20 in an encoded URI). We recommend querying no more than 60 locations per request.

Returns a list of requested genotypes

# Returns a json object of genotypes:
    "id": "c4480ba411939067",
    "genotypes": [
            "location": "i3000001",
            "call": "II"
            "location": "rs3094315",
            "call": "AA"
# Get specific genotypes associated with the user
curl ""

Response Properties

idStringThe id of the resource.
genotypesArray[Object]An array of genotype objects (see below).

Genotypes Object

locationStringLocation of the genotype
callStringCall of the genotype (see description above)