Application API

Details API endpoints for managing Developer Portal Apps

After you have created an application in the Human API Developer Portal, you can manage some of the application's data using the Application API endpoints. These endpoints enable you to update and delete users, as well as query the user's data using the batch query endpoints.

The base URL for the Application API is below, where the clientId is the application/client id for your application from the Developer Portal.{clientId}


The Application API uses a special App Key that is generated when you create an application. All the application-level resources are authenticated using Basic Authentication with your App Key as username and a blank password. Make sure you include the ":" after the username to avoid being asked to enter a password.

Curl Example

curl -u e7db255f4828e1d482743eba04faacb945ab7ca8: \

Basic Auth Header Example

You can also use a Basic Authorization header to authenticate calls to the Application API. To do so, you will need to Base64 encode the <AppKey>: Please note that you must include the : at the end of the key before encoding.

curl -H 'Authorization: Basic ZTdkYjI1NWY0ODI4ZTFkNDgyNzQzZWJhMDRmYWFjYjk0NWFiN2NhODo=' \

For more information about working with the Application API see: