Get a list of demographics data associated with the user

Response Properties

idStringId of the resource
updatedAtDateTime the record was updated on the Human API server
createdAtDateTime the record was created on the Human API server
nameObject(optional) See name object
dobString(optional) Date of birth of the patient e.g. "05/20/1971"
dobDateTimeString(optional) Date of birth of the patient e.g. "1971-05-20T00:00:00.000Z"
ethnicityString(optional) Ethnicity of the patient e.g. "Not Hispanic or Latino"
ethnicityCodesArray[Object](optional) CDC Race & Ethnicity and SNOMED CT Ethnicity codes: See codes
genderString(optional) Gender of the patient e.g. "male"
genderCodesArray[Object](optional) SNOMED CT Gender codes: See codes
languageString(optional) Preferred spoken language of the patient e.g. "eng"
languageCodesArray[Object](optional) SNOMED CT Language codes: See codes
maritalStatusString(optional) Marital status of the patient e.g. "married"
maritalStatusCodesArray[Object](optional) SNOMED CT Marital codes: See codes
providerObjectSee Provider Object details below
organizationObjectSee organizations
raceString(Optional) Race of the patient e.g. "White"
raceCodesArray[Object](optional) SNOMED CT Race codes: See codes
codesArray[Object](optional) See codes
ccdObject(optional) See CCD Object details below

CCD Object

hrefStringLink to a more detailed CCD object
idStringid of the CCD

Provider Object

organizationString(optional) The name of the medical source
addressObject(optional) See Address Object below

Address Object (from Provider Object)

cityString(optional) City of the provider e.g. "San Francisco"
countryString(optional) Country of the provider e.g. "USA"
stateString(optional) State of the provider e.g. "CA"
zipString(optional) Zip code of the provider e.g. "94156"
streetArray[String](optional) Street and number of the address e.g. '["123 Lucas Drive"]'