Get a list of daily heart rate summaries for a user.

Returns a list of heart rate summaries

Returns a heart rate summary by id

Returns a heart rate summary by date

Response Properties

idStringThe id of the resource.
userIdString[deprecated - use humanId]
humanIdStringUnique user identifier
zonesArray[Object]Array of heart rate zones for the day (see ‘Zone Object’ below)
dateDateThe date that the heart rate summary corresponds to (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
sourceStringThe source service for the measurement, where it was created
valueNumberThe value of the measurement in the unit specified
restingHRNumberThe user’s resting heart rate for the day in beats per minute (optional)
averageHRNumberThe user’s average heart rate for the day in beats per minute (optional)
maxHRNumberThe maximum heart rate reading recorded for the day in beats per minute (optional)
minHRNumberThe maximum heart rate reading recorded for the day in beats per minute (optional)
sourceDataObjectAdditional data from the source that does not fit into the Human API model
createdAtDateThe time the measurement was created on the Human API server
updatedAtDateThe time the measurement was updated on the Human API server

Zone Object

Zones are defined at the source and may vary, including zone names and ranges.
nameStringName of the zone
maxNumberMaximum heart rate applicable to the zone in beats per minute
minNumberMinimum heart rate applicable to the zone in beats per minute
durationNumberDuration that the user’s heart rate remained in the zone in seconds
caloriesBurnedNumberCalories burned while within the zone
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