Get a list of daily heart rate summaries for a user.
Returns a list of heart rate summaries
Returns a heart rate summary by id
Returns a heart rate summary by date
Response Properties
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the resource. |
userId | String | [deprecated - use humanId] |
humanId | String | Unique user identifier |
zones | Array[Object] | Array of heart rate zones for the day (see ‘Zone Object’ below) |
date | Date | The date that the heart rate summary corresponds to (format: YYYY-MM-DD) |
source | String | The source service for the measurement, where it was created |
value | Number | The value of the measurement in the unit specified |
restingHR | Number | The user’s resting heart rate for the day in beats per minute (optional) |
averageHR | Number | The user’s average heart rate for the day in beats per minute (optional) |
maxHR | Number | The maximum heart rate reading recorded for the day in beats per minute (optional) |
minHR | Number | The maximum heart rate reading recorded for the day in beats per minute (optional) |
sourceData | Object | Additional data from the source that does not fit into the Human API model |
createdAt | Date | The time the measurement was created on the Human API server |
updatedAt | Date | The time the measurement was updated on the Human API server |
Zones are defined at the source and may vary, including zone names and ranges.
Property | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the zone |
max | Number | Maximum heart rate applicable to the zone in beats per minute |
min | Number | Minimum heart rate applicable to the zone in beats per minute |
duration | Number | Duration that the user’s heart rate remained in the zone in seconds |
caloriesBurned | Number | Calories burned while within the zone |